6AM to 9:15PM. Takes an hour to get there and an hour back.
I just wanted to put that in perspective.
I got home and zonked out, and am eccstatic that our crew call is at Noon today!! Sweet sweet shut-eye. Funny that right next to our breakfast, lunch, and dinner is a full box of Emergen-C just in case anyone decides to get sick. :) Proactive.
Yesterdays scenes were incredible and the fact that this story is true, really grabs you when intense scenes take place. Today is the last day on this set! We move forth tomorrow to a new location and brand new cast. That means new wardrobe and new worries. The lead has 38 wardrobe changes... ...and 15 was my max for one person thus far. The changes in just THAT number were momentus. Haha oh dear. It can be done! It shall be done. Things that make it difficult:
Background on location
Surrounding patterns and colors
Lead vs supporting
..and of course, does it look goood.
No stripes, no logos, no lady gaga. That's going to be the name of my book.
I will take some pics of crew and perhaps some cast - our star being Michael Madsen. I know him from Free Willy :D.
Oh! I forgot to say that I will be supporting as well.. As a manager at a bar. My 'look' is dramatic and fantabulous. I'm uber excited. Hah! More to come, but I must enjoy my free morning! I've turned in my 5:00 morning drive to the set, for a 1:00 morning drive home from the set tonight. I'm more night person anyway.
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