Week 1 = COMPLETE.
I have finished the first week of filming on Refuge from the Storm, and it has been a whirlwind of new..
Today we shot a scene at a christian festival, with great speakers and even better costumes. ;) It was cloudy and in the 60's, drizzly and gross, but somehow I've found the ecstatic inside me that leaps when I think about the first benchmark. I made it through a hectic week, and the outcome wasn't just okay, it was amazing.
The more I chat with people on set, crew and cast, the more I realize just how in the dark I am about how I came to be here. I explain it to everyone like I am in a pitch black mansion, blindfolded, and running full speed through it - with someone else leading me.. full trust. No idea where I am or how I got there, but the faith I have that all of this will be worth so much more than I think one day. I also am understanding more of the storyline, and who it happened to, to make this movie possible. It takes one hell of a woman to go through something that can be made into a rated R movie, and come out a God-fearing Christian.
I feel accomplished, and I know I'll continue to be the sponge I feel I am on set. 3 more weeks, with the last being the most impacted scheduling. Not sure if I put this in here before, but a typical day revolves around scheduling on average about 6 pages of script in a day. We've been scheduled for about 7-8 and going 15 hours a day. To put the last week in perspective, we've scheduled for 15 hours a day, so who knows what it will actually turn out to be! Michael Madsen will be there that week, and it is also the week I will be doing my part as Didi. I'll be a punk rock bar manager with a tattoo on my face, extensions, and a sexy outfit - dressed by me. Ha. I'm pumped.
ANywho - I'm off for a whole 24 hours. I will be relaxing hopefully. . glorifying Him is hard work!! Thank you to the moms, aunts, and supporters for the catered home cooked meals for the crew and cast. Again, amazing. Thank you as well for making us all eat. Next week will be catered, but guarantee it won't have the same home-cooked filling feeling!
I will make it a point to take more pics and get them up!! Set is so much fun!!