Well.. One full day down! Costumes for day 1, 2, and 3 are loaded and on location. A long 12+ hour day with nothing but my own thoughts to listen to.. It went by fast! Eating disappears into the timeline on days like these. Fortunately we will get fed on set twice a day from now on, hooray :)
The real work starts in a few hours, and I am NOT a morning person. FRS healthy energy needs to jump on board here... Starbucks just can't be close enough. 5AM comes quickly, but my first day on Refuge of the Storm commences! Such a surreal ordeal, who'dathunk?!
Amazing, the paths He takes you when you've opened your heart, dropped all judgements, and surrendered your lifes path. Children, education, pharmaceutical marketing, project mgmt and leading production, media and print, sports marketing, vice president, football, modeling, acting, producing, costume design.. taking over the world. It's overwhelming and I'm loving it.
All this change and I've been placed in the hands of a group of hardworking successful people who pray together before starting the day.. a coincedence?
"Coincedences are God's way of remaining anonymous.."
On to the new chapter!
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