Thursday, July 21, 2011

Keep Calm & Carry On

Goodness y'all it's been a minute since I blogged!
Since Allison Dubois, my 1's still follow quietly in the background.. I just smile if I come across some ridiculous collaboration of the solo numbers. A lot has happened in the past couple months that is worthy of reflection and blogging in my opinion, so read on, nosy!

I kid..
Well, still at the agency and plan on being there for a bit - a long bit, for those reading from work. ;) I do miss the travel extremely and daily variables, but I can not complain. Something I want to highlight - I realize when I say pharmaceutical marketing, people automatically think pharma sales rep.. and that is sooo not what I do. I do not sell. I do not like selling, and if you were to tell me No to buying a random hand held case of pills, I'd say "very well" and walk away.

Now.. What I do is give those who have the natural knack of salesmanship, the reason behind why and how they sell. We make drugs look good. :) Not just drugs, but your aesthetician's $1000 serum they tell you your face needs, your plastic surgeon's brand new less invasive liposuction system they promise will create a new beauty out of you with, or even the new auto-retractable lens that you have surgically implanted for your robotic, eagle-eye sight. We create the brands and the stance behind all of those marketing tactics, in print, video, training, conferences - all pieces for the sales reps to use to sell to physicians and specialists, as well as consumers. We are under FDA and several regulatory team restrictions, which makes it a bummer at times, but also makes it a challenge to parts of the projects.. in what we can and can not do/say/claim/pitch etc. Brains and raw strategy in the pharmaceutical, health to cosmoceutical industries. THAT is what I manage, and that is what I'm doing currently. :) Now you understand a tip of the iceberg... enough to differentiate me from a sales rep. (Bless you sales reps!)

On another note, the movie Refuge from the Storm will be premiering in the Dominican Republic 11-11-11! Not in the US just yet (TBD), but post production just wrapped up this week in fact and the new trailer will be out towards the end of summer I believe. :D My 2 seconds and IMDb profile will live forever, but make sure to check out my wardrobe on everyone through the entire movie!!! Haha uber excited and will post trailers and updates as soon as they are released!

The most hectic part of the first half of 2011 was my relationship status..  this is the reason for the title of this blog, keep calm and carry on. I got that quote from a great friend that was with me/us through this keep calm part :) and needless to say, I made it through this quarter of a year, but not without a frenzy of emotions and conversations leading to crazed days of ups and downs. Everyone has one of those relationships, right? A lot of intense learning, and a LOT of learning yourself. I regret nothing; all took place for good reason, and I wish the best moving forward.

Carry on is the latter part of the phrase, and that's the part I'm enjoying. I've moved on and boy have I found myself in a place I don't want to jinx. :) Those that know me and the situation I'm frolicking in, may think perhaps too much too soon.. I say, when it's clear you know what you want and everything's on the table.. if it makes sense on every page you turn to.. . what are you waiting for? This is me not waiting. It makes perfect sense, and I am a lucky woman. ;P Gag, I know.. sorry.

Off topic, US Women's team lost to Japan and that is BS. We dominated the game and I absolutely love taking PK's, the pressure is awesome, but hate watching them - it does not tell you which team has more talent! Ridiculous that we missed so many, the focus was not there.. they toy with my emotions like that, so unfair. I am looking forward to Alex Morgan however, in the upcoming years!! Shout out.

To those I haven't spoken to in a while for whatever reason, please please keep in touch (as will I but I'm horrible at it I'm telling you up front). Whether you are from Refuge, the Dominican Rep, or football related.. I enjoy you - don't be a stranger. :)
A esos no he hablado en a un rato para permanece en contacto cualquier razon, por favor (lo siento, I'm horrible). Si usted es Refuge (pelicula), de la Dominicana, o futbol Americano relacionado. I enjoy you - don't be a stranger. :)

.....on to Thursday! It will be an amazing Thursday if I can get to sleep tonight... Fly Safe!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dubois continued..

The last thought I had to add because I wouldn't be detailing the true Stacy if I missed this one.. :)

One of the first things that Allison told Mandi, was that she (Stacy) feels like Dr. Doolittle, because she is with every one of the deceased family pets: hamsters, guinea pigs, etc
(Hilarious.. Mandi lived on a farm and had a TON of odd pets between her and her brothers)

Still speechless, and pretty sure Mandi is slowly letting it all sink in. It certainly gives an entirely new perspective of death and those that have passed. It's still a human hardship that the brain can't wrap around, but death is just a little bit less scary and hopeless because of this experience. That's a good feeling.
If you want to visit Allison Dubois, her direct site is to buy tickets. You can also 'Like' her on Facebook, to get her event updates and happenings, or to just support the coolest medium you know.


Allison Dubois.. I'm speechless.

So tonight I was present at perhaps the oddest most exciting event I have attended in a while. Mandi (my sister-in-law) met me in Irvine - her from LA, me from San Diego.. and went to a group reading with Allison Dubois. If you don't know the name, she is the real life story behind the TV show 'Medium' with Patricia Arquette, and she also made a cameo appearance on the Housewives of Beverly Hills as Camille Grammer's bff. The latter, she made a ruckus at a dinner party with her electric cigarette and badass attitude.. she seemed fun! So I found out when she would be visiting southern Cali and told Mandi that we were going to go see her work her claravoyent skills. Mind you that Mandi's mother passed away for reasons literally only God knows about 4 years ago. Closure has been hard to come by for her, so I figured.. why not!? Aside from number 1's haunting me, I thought perhaps this would be neat for both of us. Months in advance we bought our tickets. Well this evening was the show, and our group was about 60-70 people I'd say. Out of this group, only about 20 individuals were 'read'. Mandi was one of them. This is how it went: (everything in parinthesis is me adding my own 2 cents) and everything in "these" means a direct quote from Dubois herself..

The microphone was given to Mandi - they were chosing at random from around the room.
Mandi: My name is Mandi
Allison: Mandi with an 'i' (weird)
M: yes
A: who are you here for?
M: my mother
..that's the extent of Mandi's information.. from there on out for the next 10 minutes was Allison Dubois confirming her medium skills and talking to the deceased "on the other side"..

Allison giggled as she was "bringing her mom through".. and said while smiling, "oh, she isn't going to be hard to pull through at all.."
As she scribbled with pencil on a pad of white lined paper (this is SOP for her while she is speaking with those on the other side she says), she unloaded details to Mandi that her mother wanted her to know, or informaiton to validate it was really her.

 - she was blessed to have her as a child
 - she enjoys the walks
 - Mandi grew up too fast
 - she said Mandi was a precocious child
 - she remembers her as 9 years old, as HER daughter
 - she really likes Mandi's new car (she got a brand new BMW not too long ago)
 - she apologized for not making it physically to her wedding, but she was there.. "some place like Mexico" (Nick and Mandi got married in Cancun, Mexico) ((The wedding was almost right after her mom's passing, so this was the first of many huge events that hit Mandi really hard, post-passing))
 - she said "it wasn't supposed to be this way" (we still don't know how or why she died)
 - she didn't want to take up everyone's time (that was in the crowd) and pretty much apologized for coming through (so cute, and so Stacy!)
 - she said cats know when she's around, and to get one
 - she plays with Mandi's hair sometimes
 - she's in the stars, so when you're outside look up and she's there
 - she still likes to go shopping with Mandi and loves the sales - even though they have very different tastes (haha!)
 - she said she wasn't happy with the way her dad treats their relationship between them
 - she didn't want Mandi feeling like she was an orphan
 - "he's not doing a very good job and she is not happy about it"
 - her moms wedding ring is to go to Mandi, Mandi needs to get it from her dad
 - she was closer to Mandi when she was alive than her dad was at certain times
 - she enjoyed the songs they put together for her (mandi's assuming for her memorial)
 - she said "she was the wind beneath YOUR wings"
 - she likes watching old movies, so put some on for her
 - Christmas times were most special
 - Charlie Brown's Christmas.. watch it every year
 - she said even though she isn't here, to write her a mothers day card anyway (Mothers Day is this weekend)
 - she said she worries about Mandi not sleeping lately
 - she knows it's a hard year for Mandi, but assured her that she will make it through okay
 - she told her "don't be afraid to have children"
 - Mandi will have a long life ahead of her
 - she ended with butterfly kisses on mandi's cheeks and said she loved her

All of this was not in the order above except the last one. This is all that I remembered, and I'm sure there was maybe a bit more.. but almost every single one has a meaning specific to Mandi. She elaborated on most of them with me over dinner afterward.. I am speechless. Mandi is speechless. Nick is currently in New York for work, so there is some time to let it all sink in during this alone time. This is closure for her. Her mom is ok, and she said everything she needed to say. She may not have mentioned Mandi's siblings, but I explained in my opinion.. this was Mandi to Mom time - she was there for her.

I know some of you are thinking 99% of those topics anyone could choose and majority of a room would connect to it.. but when there are only 10 minutes to depict exact details and big events that mean so much to a stranger in a crowd, it's hard to believe she's making it all up. I wasn't a skeptic, but I like to see it in action. Some of the other stories were unfathomable the details that she had for these people she read. The confirmations with connecting details that those being read would affirm to everyone, was astonishing. Some were touching, some were silly. 
Example: Allison mentioned the deceased wanting a rock that said Believe on it.. the woman in the crowd said, "Yes,.. I have a rock that has Believe engraved on it, sitting on my desk". The woman continued through tears and said that she was jewish and explained that in memorium, it is tradition to throw a rock on the grave of the deceased.. and she felt incredibly awful for not yet doing that - and broke down bawling.

Stacy was real tonight and I know I had this crazy idea for a reason. That reason wasn't for me. Yes, these number 1's will still follow me but I wasn't supposed to find out tonight. Tonight was for Mandi, and I do believe her mom was standing in that line behind Allison, knowing we were on our way.

Now I'm not an advocate for psychics and I certainly don't live by any horoscope or suspicion and superstitions. Allison Dubois is however, checked out in my books. She's been studied at large and is very successful at the real deal readings with facts provided by those that have passed. Google her or read her books. Tonight was definitely a night to remember!

Love you MandiJo!
Time to think about cat names.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's April already..

So I haven't read my last blog.. therefore I'm not sure where I was last I posted, however I know I was in the middle of the middle or what I was calling 'limbo'. Neither here nor there, and specifics weren't really specific. Reason I started this blog was to include those close to me into my whirlwind of happenings because they were coming and going so quick, so far outside my typical realm. I italicize typical because I really don't know what typical is.. in fact, I'm pretty sure I live my life to not have a typical. I digress..

Well as I wrapped the movie and stepped in to 2011, I had no real direction. I had all sorts of new doors I could try and run through even if they were only barely cracked. I wasn't sure which I should put all my energy towards so I was waiting. Instead of sprinting through a chosen door to find myself nose to brick with a wall that had been hidden behind that cracked door, I could have sworn it was an illusion. Or maybe the whole door was an illusion from the start. I don't know myself well enough to barge through a random door and start making promises. Who knows.. call it hesitation, insecurities, call it untrusting, call it just that awkward feeling I had that said just wait.. so I waited.

I waited long enough to have made a great big circle.. all the way back to the ad agency I was laid off at. This is the place that spit me out in time so I could find myself as a sports marketing vice president of a football league.. as a model, an actor, a costume designer.. a video game ambassador.. and as projects slowed, a freelancer..  Now? I am an employee of this fire to hire agency. Haha. After a year and a half, beginning March 21 I am full time employed again in the corporate world.

When my former now present colleagues ask me what I've been doing.. my response is feeling more and more like I'm just making up random facts. They ask me, What?! How?! and I just smile and nod. :) I've been given the chance to see more and learn beyond the wildest textbooks from such amazing opportunities and blessings.. all I can say is, "It's been crazy." The people, cultures, projects, expectations, rewards, relationships, and ultimately the new life views I've made my own.. are just so bold that now that I am in the shiny polished pair of shoes I was in before the whole whirlwind happened, I see it all differently. New approaches, new thoughts on humanity, on how I saw the same people I worked with before.. and what I feel I understand much differently now. Hm. Cool how that works. All a part of the big picture, I guess.

So I'm corporate now. Haha I'm in the suit from 9-5. That's crazy.. but I'm still waiting.

Life is a series of projects. Since my title is now ironically Project Manager.. the projects I'm working on outside of the agency:
 - writing a novel and screenplay of my cousin's life, mi prima. Mi adopted prima. It has begun. With an amazing writer, an amazing life story, and myself, us 3 will be meeting twice a month to interview and script such live details into what will be a life-changing story. I am ecstatic about this because it's all a God thing. Like my whirlwind, He's moving chess pieces here, the owner and ultimate champion of this game of life is moving me. It's fun. It's fun to trust and not know what the outcome will be. Fun!

 - Whitfield and all he entails. Ha! Helping him conquer the world through football.. Thursday, April 28th will provide a stamp on his life's passport for sure. Til then, nonstop gears churning and working for him in the US!! I shall provide support and a helping hand in sanity. Giggle. Sanity. As much as I can at least.

 - all the tidbits that make up the in between gaps and breaths amidst all else, well those are fun too. Just, TBD.

Fun fact of the day: Adele (the singer and both albums) is incredibe. I want to steal her voice.

That is all.. Pay it forward this week to/for someone.
God is Love.


Kidding.. about the RevRun. :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Golden Globe "Stuff You Must"

Access Hollywood's Stuff You Must <--- Click to view pics!

So I've taken a week + weekend up in LA/Valencia to visit and sit the niece-dog Canyn (Nick & Mandi's pup, silver labrador).. to take some time to get out of my element and think on what's next! I thought perhaps I go home yesterday (Friday) but decided to stay due to some work and meetings I need to take care of up here for next week. Well, dinner yesterday at Sake I received a phone call from an old talent management company to do the Golden Globe "Stuff You Must" by Access Hollywood.. basically a gifting to celebrities by all types of sponsors for free stuff. I accepted and had to be at Sofatel LA Hotel by 9AM this morning. Got my orders and off I went..
1. let me say, this is how random life is.. and continues to be! I love that I have no time to think about what to expect or set any expectations in place, so I go in full 100% and end up taking away the best of it!
2. Celebrities are friggin' lucky.. the catering that goes on is simply drool-worthy

I was a talent or celeb escort, that took a walk on what you could call the red carpet through roughly 20 sponsors/vendors. Directing, introducing, and leading the way to the next set of goodies. Some of the sponsors:
Wonka Candies - complete with an oompa loompa
Slim Fast - Polaroid camera, super cool
JKC - a new favorite brand of bags and jewelry!
Prima - complete with the real Prima kitty on the commercials
Little Giraffe - blankets/robes.. soo soft
Ursula Mascaro - UNbelievable high heels, gorgeous
Pretty Ballerina - shoes, cute flats
Marschon - badass sunglasses
DNA 11 - they make art out of your DNA.. yes, you can do that. Billy Bush's was the sample.
Dorg Gray - (pronounced Yorgrey) amazing watches, the kind the President wears.
Netflix - lifetime free Netflix, movies and series
Altec - docs for ipads and iphones
Michelle Flynn - jewelry, imprints
Vintage Revolution - jeans.. I got some, soo comfy
NewBalance - new toning shoes.. best looking aesthetically in the category of Toning the legs and ass
SpinDisc - toys
Uno - Uno!
What Goes Around Comes Around - vintage clothing, uber cool T's vests and necklaces
CVS - Maybelline makeup, scent making, manicures, dermatology trials, teeth whitening, hair (I forget the product, oops!)
aaand Pepsi!

That is actually the entire trip through the venue. I had to carry all the bags. Ha! I just gave away all their secrets, but I didn't sign anything... :) You can see in the pics who all was there, but those I ran into and lead across the venue were:
Jennifer Stone - Wizards of Waverly Way (adorable, SO sweet)
Nelsan Ellis - True Blood (waaay down to earth with his opera friend Cedric, super cool)
Jennifer Finnigan - Better With You (buuuubbbblllllyyyy! Adorable.)

Neil Patrick Harris - so SMALL, chipper little man
Jane Lynch - so TALL, hilarious
Latoya Jackson - oh so fab in her sun hat and stunner shades, bling and all through the entire event. Tiny woman. Sounds like MJ.
Rex Lee - Lloyd from Entourage!!! MY FAVORITE!! Hehehe He is just like his character, but with loong hair. Weird.
Taylor Armstrong - Housewives of Beverly Hills
Shay Mitchell - Pretty Little Liars
Sarah Hyland - Modern Family
Tristan Wilds - 90210

.. a lot of the TV shows on, none of the Golden Globe movies up for nomination actors/actresses. I would have looved to see Natalie Portman. Go Black Swan! I have a feeling judging by all the celeb interviews, that the Swan is going to clean up. Sorry all others!! You have a good fighting chance..

So many people I ran across and didn't know who they were, but what a great long day on heels just perusing the isles with fun people. I'm rarely star struck; I like finding out who they really are in person. Such cool people today.

Well, I know there is more to update but this would be waaay too long. A brief:
 Refuge From the Storm will be coming out 11-11-11.. keep an eye out you Madsen fans!
 It's January. Incredible. I had a wonderful time over the holidays reconnecting with the fam and seeing some ol friends :) I live for you Texans!!!
 Can't wait to see what's around the corner.. Wrapping up loose ends and bracing for the next unexpected pop up of events!

On with the march to greatness. I will find you.